Lost Identities

A recent visit to my favorite gallery in central London made me wonder even more than always about the question of an identity. As a person who traveled the world and lived in different countries, I can clearly say that my identity has not been always obvious for me. The need to understand where is home, after all, has been a constant question in my mind.

The exhibition, created by a young Muslim guy, born and raised in London, who raises up uneasy questions and daily battles of our society and us as individuals living in it.

“I see how things are getting out of hand. A lot of children – the younger generation- are going to struggle with their identity. They are not going to know what they are, to be honest with you. But I don’t really see it as a problem because obviously, we’re technically living in a multicultural society.” 

“I feel unwanted. You are born here, but people still say, “Go back to where you are from. You are not from here.”
But when you are born here, you can’t really say that I am not, because, you know… When someone tells me to go back home, I think my home is here.” 

I was standing in the gallery hall reading these lines and felt how hundreds of words, thoughts, and images are crossing my mind. This is true, I thought. Is it true only in London? Such a melting pot. Maybe it is not a good idea, after all, to mix so many cultures together. But wait, look how people learn to get along, how much peace and understanding there is, how much social awareness. How much tolerance and patience. No, no. Multicultural society it is the key. Because sadly enough, the same quotes are relevant in Russia, in Israel, and even on the other part of the globe, in Singapore. So why won’t we live all together?

I wish to each one of us to be right there, where it feels home.  

With Love,


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